Hamilton Elementary 2023-2024 PTA Committee Descriptions
Bagels with Buddies: This committee is responsible for organizing before school breakfast event(s) for an adult figure and their children to attend. Committee will be organizing and purchasing items for the event, responsible for organizing volunteers, and setup / cleanup of event. Committee will be working directly with communications chair on advertising the event. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Family Picnic: This committee is responsible for planning the annual family picnic in the spring. Responsibilities include event planning, budget setting & management, vendor selection & management, as well as setup / cleanup of event. Committee chair will be responsible for organizing volunteers and working directly with communications chair on advertising the event. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Fifth Grade Class Party: This committee is chaired by a parent of an incoming 5th grader at the start of the school year. Committee at a minimum will plan the annual 5th grade class party with teachers, establish and maintain a budget, secure venue, and vendors, and provide regular budget updates to PTA Executive Board.
Fundraising Chair (Restaurant Nights): This position would be responsible for working with local businesses setting up restaurant night fundraisers for the school. Responsibilities include planning and communicating event dates, distributing information to the school about the events, and following up with monetary collections. Chair could also be able to research other passive fundraising opportunities.
Fleece and Thank You Event: This committee is responsible for planning/organizing our December “give back” event. The committee chair organizes volunteers to help at the event with registration, planning, and set up/clean up. Committee chair will be responsible for organizing volunteers and working directly with communications chair on advertising the event. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Jog-a-thon: The Jog-a-thon is the largest fundraiser organized annually by the PTA! This committee is responsible for planning our annual fundraising event. Responsibilities include event planning, budget setting & management, soliciting corporate sponsors, as well as setup / cleanup of event. Committee chair will be responsible for organizing volunteers and working directly with Communications chair on messaging. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Movie Night: This committee will be responsible for organizing our Fall outdoor movie event. Responsibilities include event planning, budget setting & management, vendor selection & management, as well as setup / cleanup of event. Committee chair will be responsible for organizing volunteers and working directly with communications chair on advertising the event. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Newcomers/ Kindergarten Welcome: The committee will work with PTA board to provide an informational folder to new students and their parents at the beginning of the year. Committee chair is responsible for planning, budgeting of materials for folders, and getting them to the school before welcome back night in August.
Picture Day: This committee manages student picture day in September, retakes in November, and fun picture day in the March. The committee chair will work directly with vendor and school staff to ensure classes arrive as planned.
Room Parent Coordinator: This chair is responsible for organizing room parents across all grades to plan classroom parties and classroom teacher gifts throughout the school year. Chair will identify 1-2 room parents from each grade to attend PTA meetings. Room parents will work directly with parents and staff to collect classroom funds, organize classroom parties and events, as well as attend PTA meetings as a grade representative.
School Supply Kits: PTA offers school supplies kits for each grade level. This position would involve setting up our shopping link and communicating that information to the school in the Spring and organize pick-up for distribution before the beginning of school.
Skate Parties: Committee is responsible for coordinating skate parties for Hamilton. Chair will work with communications to advertise the event through current social media avenues and/or emails, flyers, reminders. They will also organize volunteers to help with day of family arrival with passing out tickets. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Spirit Wear: Committee is responsible for communicating the ordering process, as well as collection, placement, tracking, and arrangement for distribution. Chair is responsible for identifying merchandise vendors and negotiating pricing for Hamilton branded products. B&R Sports.
Staff Appreciation: This committee works throughout the year to organize monthly acts of gratitude to our staff in numerous ways including food, stocking the staff lounge, and Teacher Appreciation Week. The chair and volunteers are responsible for set up and clean-up at any of these planned events. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.
Trunk or Treat: This committee organizes a family friendly Trunk or Treat prior to Halloween. Committee chair will coordinate families to decorate vehicles in the Hamilton parking lot and collect donations for additional candy to be passed out at the event. They will also help with setting up volunteers for the day of event and the execution of the night. Event plan and budget must be reviewed and approved by PTA Board.